Nuestra investigación pionera analiza cómo la soledad influye en nuestras emociones, pensamientos y experiencias internas. Descubra información y recursos que le ayudarán a aceptar la soledad como una forma de rejuvenecerse, reflexionar y ser creativo.
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Interview on San Francisco NPR
What are your favorite solo activities?
Tune in for a conversation with Mina Kim, where we’ll explore the benefits of solitude from the Solitude Lab’s research, dive into solo activities with Professor Rebecca Ratner, and discuss the trend of solo dining with food critic Luke Tsai. Plus, hear from listeners as they call in to share their own experiences.
Lanzamiento del libro
Soledad: El poder y la ciencia de estar solo
This book features many studies from Solitude Lab. We take a look at how society views solitude and try to shake up those ideas. Our goal? To help you reclaim and understand your own moments of solitude